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These are examples of Schema Files for some different types of Text Files.

These are all based on real-world Text Files that were found by searching the internet. All PII has been replaced with random data.

Example Description
One This file holds address records. It is a flat, comma delimited, enclosed file with a header, without a type record.
Two This file holds employment records. It is a flat, comma delimited, unenclosed file without a header or type record.
Three This file holds a user login record. It is a flat, comma delimited, unenclosed file with header and type records.
Four This file holds survey response records. It is a flat, fixed-width, unenclosed file without header or type records.
Five This file holds a retail sales order. It is a tagged, comma dilimited, unenclosed file without header or type records.
Six This file holds product availability records. It is an untagged, non-flat, comma delimited, partially enclosed file, with a header record, without a type record.
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