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Meta Record

This record contains the information used to determine how the Text File needs to be read and processed.

Required Minimum Allowed Maximum Allowed
Yes 1 No Limit


  1. Meta.Type will always be "META".
  2. Meta.Version is the version of this Schema File.
  3. If Meta.FileType = "FIXED-WIDTH" then Field.Start, Field.Width, Field.Alignment and Field.FillCharacter must have data.
  4. If Meta.FileType = "DELIMITED" then Meta.DelimiterCharacter, Meta.EnclosureCharacter, Meta.EncloseWhen and Meta.EndOfLine must have data.
  5. If Meta.FileType = "FIXED-WIDTH" and Meta.EndOfLine is empty, then Record.Width must have data.



Field Name Field Index Has Data
Type 1 Always
ID 2 Always
Name 5 Optional
Annotation 6 Optional
Version 4 Optional
FileType 7 Always
DelimiterCharacter 8 Conditional
EnclosureCharacter 9 Conditional
EncloseWhen 10 Conditional
CharacterEncoding 11 Always
EndOfLine 12 Conditional
FieldIDMethod 13 Always
SchemaURL 14 Optional
OwnerName 15 Optional
OwnerEmail 16 Optional
OwnerPhone 17 Optional
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